Grief, sadness, depression and despair became my art. Their union with my inner optimism, romanticism and imagination coalesced and birthed a world of words through my poetry and fiction where love and sadness live in harmony. Where joy is light and despair it’s shadow. It has become a way to cope with life and fully live it with less fear and deeper joy than I knew possible. We can accept turmoils and see it as the ebb of life’s flow. Life may sway into darkness but it’s never permanent no matter how deep the dark mist of depression deceives you.

Even after all these years, 7 years in Poetryland I am still devastated when I have to read my poems. I don’t know how to make the poetry tears stop. It continues to be an emotional exorcism. But poetry is my alchemy. It has created a new path in my life and I have been able to reach more people than I could’ve dream of.

Poetry condenses my emotions and experiences into printed words. I now choose to stand and vocalise them in the hopes of overcoming the weight of the past. The pain and portrayals of a better life is a magnet to attract my tribe. Consciousness can change through art. We can overcome pain and find joy again. I am living proof of this. There is hope. It is our life’s work to manifest this alchemy.

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