You are gazing at my favourite painting,
so, I stand back and wait.

A girl walks to you.

My eyes cast down.

Distracting myself
I search for a sculpture.
When I find it
I am tempted to touch the white marble:
An embrace by cupid.

Secretly, I wish to be kissed the same way.

It has been so long…

That evening,
at the Eiffel tower

I see you again, you hold our gaze.

Sensing recognition
Recalling the girl by your side

I look away to devour the city lights.
The night sky is arrogant with beauty.
On the hour illumination and sparkles
shine on all igniting rapture.

You walk towards me

I assume you’ll go past.

You say hello

and recount seeing me in the Louvre.

I’m taken aback.
My breath deepens
so, I hold onto the railing.

She was only his sister,
she lives here.

I take quiet delight in what he says.

He wants to meet for breakfast,
I gently decline saying that I am
en route to Giverny.

He is persistent.

And so, we agree to visit the
Musée de l’Orangerie
the day after.

Thursday arrives
though I am not sure he will.

An hour later and we are gazing at
a painting, The Water Lilies:
Green reflections inside the museum

Though we are in Paris
you tell me of your travels
how you saw Caravaggio in Valletta
and Guernica in Madrid.

He wants to hold hands
instead, I hold tightly to my handbag.

I return to England soon
we are really only three hours away.

Deep down I am testing him because it all seems too good to be true.

Weeks later I am home
filled with wonder, expectancy
and delight at what is unfolding…

Poem from poetry book Bohemian Love
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